Every adoption journey is different - different obstacles to overcome, different heartaches to cry through, different situations to wait through, different passengers to ride along with you, and (hopefully) smiles to be grateful for.
Our journey is unique and special for lots of reasons but one of the best and most cherished is the relationship we have developed with Jacqueline. Our adoption agency suggested Jacqueline, so we took their advice and reached out -best decision EVER! Jacqueline was there for us EVERY step of the way from navigating through hard decisions, loving us when we had 2 failed matches, and holding us up when we thought we couldn’t go on. To be honest, there aren’t adequate words to describe Jacqueline. She navigated us through our daughter’s birth process and the steps following that, all the way to finalization, with grace and love (and tons of patience as we were first time dads with very little sleep). She also helped us navigate a tricky situation when the opportunity presented itself to adopt our daughter’s biological sibling (and showed the same amount of care and laser focus as before).
Adoption and finalizations are always very scary with lots of “what if’s” plaguing the mind, but Jacqueline was a calm voice of reason and a soothing spirit of peace. We love Jacqueline (and her family) like our own and consider them to be part of our “chosen” family. We visit each other as often as we can and talk regularly. Working with Jacqueline was amazing and I would offer this piece of advice to anyone considering the adoption process: “find a lawyer who loves you and will look out for YOU! We found our’s and her name is Jacqueline Bond Anthony. Do yourself a favor and reach out to her.